Hello! chapter members and friends-
Although it may not be obvious to you, a core group of leaders in the chapter have been working hard behind the scenes to get many tasks accomplished and move the chapter into a better position as we move into Spring and Summer.
Here are a few things you should know.
- Quick note to let you know that the chapter event registration format is through EventBrite. Invitations to chapter events are sent out through EventBrite. A link for each event is included with the invitations so you can forward them along to friends and/or co-workers you would like to invite. Invitation to the APW Celebration event on April 13 will be sent out tomorrow morning, 3/30. Be on the lookout.
- Name badges! Our name badges are in and will be distributed at our 4/13 meeting
- Chapter bylaws- Chapter bylaws have are on the second draft and will be sent out to the chapter membership for commentary and review (and hopefully a vote) by the May 17 meeting.
- May 17 meeting???? Yes. The next chapter meeting will actually be a BUSINESS meeting- An Open Board meeting on 5/17/10. It is open to all members. 6pm and at APTA. More details coming soon.
Many of you are busy with obligations this week, but I will still be sending a President's report before this Thursday. If you can't take time to read it-- Please flag to read it before our 4/13 meeting. Lots of important information that reflect what work is being done with YOUR investment dollars into IAAP and the chapter.
More updates will be posted on our blog AND @OTACPresident on Twitter.
For those members observing the religious holidays of Passover and - the upcoming Easter holiday- may you be able to spend time with friends and family during your observance.