Monday, March 29, 2010

Howling at the Full Moon? Or is it just a busy time of year?

Hello! chapter members and friends-

Although it may not be obvious to you, a core group of leaders in the chapter have been working hard behind the scenes to get many tasks accomplished and move the chapter into a better position as we move into Spring and Summer.
Here are a few things you should know.
  • Quick note to let you know that the chapter event registration format is through EventBrite.  Invitations to chapter events are sent out through EventBrite.  A link for each event is included with the invitations so you can forward them along to friends and/or co-workers you would like to invite. Invitation to the APW Celebration event on April 13 will be sent out tomorrow morning, 3/30.  Be on the lookout.
  • Name badges!  Our name badges are in and will be distributed at our 4/13 meeting
  • Chapter bylaws-  Chapter bylaws have are on the second draft and will be sent out to the chapter membership for commentary and review (and hopefully a vote) by the May 17 meeting.
  • May 17 meeting????  Yes.  The next chapter meeting will actually be a BUSINESS meeting-  An Open Board meeting on 5/17/10. It is open to all members.  6pm and at APTA.  More details coming soon.
Many of you are busy with obligations this week, but I will still be sending a President's report before this Thursday.  If you can't take time to read it-- Please flag to read it before our 4/13 meeting.  Lots of important information that reflect what work is being done with YOUR investment dollars into IAAP and the chapter. 
More updates will be posted on our blog AND @OTACPresident on Twitter.  

For those members observing the religious holidays of Passover and - the upcoming Easter holiday- may you be able to spend time with friends and family during your observance.   



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Headed to the gate and before you know it.- Down the runway and gaining altitude...

Good morning.

We had a great turnout last night ..and by great, I mean good number of attendees, an educational program that was meaningful and provided great Q&A - great that we had some gift card giveaways courtesy of regional DC VA MD - Dunkin' Donuts, great that we had visitors from other local chapters, and great in that I felt really proud of the direction the chapter is taking.

The foundation is in place, we've got the air crew, the galley has food and our 'flights' gain more passengers each round trip. Where will we go to next?

We are headed down the runway..
gaining speed.
 On April 13, 2010 - we'll host the Virginia/West Virginia Division President of IAAP, Doris England, CPS/CAP for an early kickoff to Administrative Professionals Week. Chapter member Carla Thorpe will be sending out our invitations via EventBrite. Be sure to invite your coworkers and bring supervisors if you feel like it. This is our celebration of our career path, how much we've learned, survived and thrived through the last year. If you've never attended an APW event-- don't miss out. It is energizing. (and not just from the sugar!)

So.. pack your bags- and come down to the gate.. We look forward to taking the next trip with you.

Have a great rest of the week...


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Making Chili. Ingredients and Time. What does this have to do with IAAP?

Dear chapter mates and friends of IAAP-
A really good friend of mine used to talk about making chili and was definitely one of the type of chili makers that put about twenty ingredients in the chili AND let it simmer for a good long while.   He used to say.. either you are in the chili or you are out of the chili.  A similar phrase in poker might be-- "Are you all in?" meaning are you willing to put in your entire stash of chips?

His thinking was the more ingredients and the more time he took with the chili-  the better it tasted and it was worth the wait to eat.  I thought of this as we are rebuilding our chapter.  It is going to take many ingredients and a good chunk of time to get the chapter 'simmering' and cooking- just right. Ingredients include - participants, leaders, program offerings, a sound and stable infrastructure, speakers etc

Time is the main key.  How much time can members invest?  How much time could it take to make this an exciting and vibrant chapter again?   The executive committee is coming up with a more detailed plan-  and three chapter members have already volunteered some additional time and talents to help in our 'kitchen'.
More details will be coming forward in the letter I'm prepping for the entire chapter membership.

For now, a quick reminder about upcoming events-  Please be sure to RSVP- we want to make sure we have enough food and beverage for attendees.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Event: Educational

Key Issues to Know When Negotiating with Caterers and Hotels
Presented by Erika Davis, CMP
Erika Davis Events
Location: American Staffing Association
277 South Washington Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Time: 6:00pm ~8:00pm ***Please note change in starting time

Cost: Free
Pizza and drinks will be provided.

RSVP requested by: Friday, March 19, 2010 to
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Event: Educational/Social

The Potential for Success - Administrative Professionals in Virginia
  Administrative Professionals and Leadership in Virginia
Guest Speaker:
Doris England, CPS/CAP
President, Virginia-West Virginia Division

Graciously being hosted by: Intelligent Office
2331 Mill Road [ Just off the Eisenhower Metro Stop- Yellow Line at Eisenhower and Mill Road]
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Time: 6:00pm ~8:30pm ***Please note change in starting time

Cost: Free
Light snacks, beverages and a dessert celebration cake will be provided