Loads of stuff to report. Here's the shorten version- hopefully will have time to write more tomorrow.
- Certification program- Yes. This does have changes coming effective 11/11. I have a detailed handout and I'll try to get the PDF out to membership with the August newsletter.
- Recertification requirements- will change from a 90 point requirement to 60
- There was an additional candidate for International Secretary- Teresa Bennett, CPS. She was nominated from the floor today.
- Total registered attendance as of 8am today- 1,221.
- President Shamali reviewed the financial challenges that IAAP has faced with the decline in attendance for the past two PEC programs and EFAM last year. Lots of detail forthcoming on this.
And some last thoughts before I head off to the evening event. My observation of the International candidates for office today-- that had to give speeches- struggled between being professional and sharing their personalities. And, I thought that perhaps IAAP members could make a fine drinking game out of some of the key words oft repeated today by many at the mic- 1) Passion 2) professional 3) integrity
Here were the voting delegate counts as of 9am this morning.
Int'l Officers - 12
Division Delegates - 34
Chapter Delegates - 274
Chapter Member at Large Delegates - 0
Member At Large Delegates -
Afilliate Member at Large Delegates - 1
International Officer and Delegate total 322
Authorized Proxies - 107
Total of 429
Registered alternates 160.
Okay.. .that's it for tonite folks.. more tomorrow... I hope.
The first vote is at 8am.
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