Sunday, January 30, 2011

Are You Quick to Give Out Advice?

Welcome (almost) to February....
Are you quick to give out advice?  Unasked for advice?  I'm certainly guilty of this habit...just ask my husband and/or daughter...and friends.. and chapter leaders...

Recently though, a very good friend of mine sat me down, as only REAL friends will do and gave it to me (painfully direct) and honestly.

Her comments were -

Before you open your mouth... Think through these three sentences.

1. Does it need to be said?
2. Does it need to be said aloud?
3. Does it need to be said, aloud, by me?

Now, I am still struggling with this habit to offer up my opinion on just about everything.  The reality is that her advice doesn't really bother me.  What tends to get under my skin is that the (Unasked for!) advice is usually something I should be doing.  You know, that old theory that it is so much easier to run everyone else's life than our own.. not only applies to family..but that thought that we could run everything and everyone's business at work so much better, too!

Well.. perhaps this really doesn't apply to you, the reader.  For me, to lead.. is to be genuine about my strengths and weaknesses. And ask for the advice and help, I need.

So... It dovetails nicely that  our February 22 teleseminar with Julie Perrine will be titled, "The Power of Professionalism".  No matter how long I've been in the admin field--  I can always improve and learn more on this topic.  Details on registering for this program should be available in the next few days.  Chapter members will be the first to receive notification once the registration is available, then out to general distribution.

Kind regards,

Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP
Old Town Alexandria Chapter- IAAP

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