Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Fun and Looking Ahead to Fall.

Dear Chapter mates and friends- 
Look what happened on the way to the EFAM!  Just kidding.  Unfortunately, I fell ill at EFAM and did not blog about all the cool and interesting stuff that happens at the IAAP annual meeting. But I do have some info to share-- so here we go.

I can tell you that the keynote from Vernice Armour was inspiring and one of the most genuine (as in keeping it real) presentations I've seen in many years of going to conventions/meeting.  I suggest checking her website out for more information:  

There are changes coming to the CPS/CAP certification program.  We will have copies of the handout provided by IAAP at our upcoming events.  Or simply log in to the website and you can access the link to the pdf with the details.

Quick notes on upcoming chapter events!

Next Event: 
August 18, 2010
IAAP -Old Town Alexandria Chapter Networking Event
Lorien Hotel and Day Spa
1600 King Street
Yummy appetizers provided
Cash bar
if you didn't receive the invite link:

We also have a Brown Bag Lunch presentation on August 25, 2010- A Guided Tour of the IAAP Web Community presented by chapter treasurer, Evan Thorne.  If you want to know how to access the many resources and benefits that the IAAP Web Community has to offer- Bring your lunch and join in on this quick and very useful tutorial on getting the most out of the IAAP web community.
For more information visit the invite at :

More details on the program year calendar will be provided in the President's report coming out in August.  But mark these dates just to be sure you don't miss an event:
September 23, 2010 evening program
October 14, 2010  Brown Bag lunch program
November 13, 2010 Fall Education program ** 
Saturday program featuring Microsoft Office Specialist and IAAP member Marie Herman.  
Marie is a dynamic presenter of advanced tricks and tips in Microsoft Office.  
A real guru of time-saving tips!
More details on the full program coming soon!
December 9, 2010  - holiday community service event

Have a great weekend everyone..  Stay tuned for updates.  

Kemetia MK Foley, CAP

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Certification changes and other news from EFAM

Dear chapter members and friends. 

Loads of stuff to report.  Here's the shorten version- hopefully will have time to write more tomorrow.

  • Certification program- Yes. This does have changes coming effective 11/11. I have a detailed handout and I'll try to get the PDF out to membership with the August newsletter.
  • Recertification requirements-  will change from a 90 point requirement to 60
  • There was an additional candidate for International Secretary- Teresa Bennett, CPS. She was nominated from the floor today.
  • Total registered attendance as of 8am today-  1,221.
  • President Shamali reviewed the financial challenges that IAAP has faced with the decline in attendance for the past two PEC programs and EFAM last year. Lots of detail forthcoming on this.
I visited as many of the candidates for International office as possible this afternoon.  But, I missed out on the  VA-WV Division photo--- becauseI was trouble shooting this issue: my family is traveling here from Virginia..and the car died about three hours out from Boston. Judy C- Thanks for representing the chapter on our behalf.

And some last thoughts before I head off to the evening event.  My observation of the International candidates for office today-- that had to give speeches- struggled between being professional and sharing their personalities.  And, I thought that perhaps IAAP members could make a fine drinking game out of some of the key words  oft repeated today by many at the mic-  1) Passion 2) professional 3) integrity


Here were the voting delegate counts as of 9am this morning.

Int'l Officers - 12
Division Delegates - 34
Chapter Delegates - 274
Chapter Member at Large Delegates - 0
Member At Large Delegates -
Afilliate Member at Large  Delegates - 1

International Officer and Delegate total 322
Authorized Proxies - 107
Total of 429

Registered alternates 160.

Okay.. .that's it for tonite folks.. more tomorrow... I hope.

The first vote is at 8am.



Saturday, July 17, 2010

IAAP- EFAM - Arrival at Convention

Welcome to Boston!

Well, I can tell you a few things about arriving here for the IAAP meeting.  Logan was definitely ready for 1400 admins.. Sheraton.. not so much.  Registration lines out the door.  Made me very grateful I flew in early this morning.

But as always --the best part about attending EFAM is the networking- I met two folks from the Buffalo, NY chapter on the shuttle to the hotel, and as a bonus I also got to run into a bunch of my pals from the DE-MD-DC Division that I don't see very often.  I also met up with Bianca Constance, former NY Division President-  a fascinating lady that was invited (through her IAAP membership) to present to admins in South Africa this past Spring.  Just goes to show, you never know where your IAAP membership will take you.

Got registered for the Convention and obtained my delegate documents.  Tomorrow is an early morning.. 8am for delegates briefing.  You better believe I'll be at Dunkin' Donuts by 7:30 because the lines will be long.

Tomorrow is the true "Opening Day" of EFAM in terms of the business session.  It is a fascinating adventure!...   but one more event before turning in this evening.  The informal meeting of the social media/blogger/discussion board -types like yours truly.  I promised myself I'll be back to the hotel by 10 and asleep.. at least that's my goal!

More tomorrow...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hooray! Old Town Alexandria Reaches 31

Dear Chapter Members and Friends..

We just received our final 2009-2010 roster from IAAP headquarters ,which  for IAAP, the year is July - June.

Our chapter grew almost 60% this year! We just had our 31st member join...Hooray!
Can't wait to provide more information on our upcoming program year.   Stay tuned.. it's gonna be great!  

Don't forget to register for our Networking Social on August 18 at the fabulous Lorien Hotel and Day Spa. Space is limited!

Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend.-  Regards- Kemetia