Thursday, December 30, 2010

Positively Moving Forward into 2011- hee.. with corrected title!

Dear Chapter Members and Friends-

I'm going to keep this brief, as we are all bombarded with lists of stuff to do/stuff we hope to do and the stuff we hate to do, but get paid to do it anyway!

  • Please be sure to update your profile and email on the IAAP web community if you are an IAAP member.  Go to and follow the link for members.
  • Mark your calendars for a great webinar to be held on Jan. 20, 2011 - Topic: Changes to the CPS and CAP certifications.  Learn about what changes are coming to the exams and have a chance to ask your questions about pursuing certification.  The invite will go out with the January newsletter.
  • On/Around January 10- we'll have the next chapter newsletter out to you with oodles, NAY! Boatloads of info about upcoming programs, committees- state of the chapter etc.  We also want to include names of our chapter members that want to share the outcome of their November certification exam... So be sure to email us and let us know if you have received your results.
Lastly, do you know another admin that is interested in becoming an IAAP member, but wants to know more?  Feel free to direct them to our chapter Membership Chair, Jan Szych, CPS/CAP to get more info or refer to the following IAAP Headquarters Podcast "What's In It For Me?" on Vimeo.

Happy New Year!  Here's to a positive, energetic and successful 2011!

Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 13, 2010 Fall Education Conference

Quick note!  We've extended registration for the 11/13 OTAC Fall Education Conference through November 8.  See our website CALENDAR for registration forms and details.!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's okay to ask.. "What's in it for me?"

Dear chapter members and friends,

Don't you love the title of this blog?  It is okay to ask -- what's in it for me..?

Many times we are pulled in multiple directions or support more than one boss.   Co-workers may not always meet our expectations... which can lead to resentments!

One of the most important keys for me to work successfully in this atmosphere is to say to myself- "What's in this for me?"   Perhaps it is a lesson to focus more on my own work or my own skillset.  Perhaps graciously completing the extra projects I took on--will allow me to appropriately address additional salary in my review and receive it! What's in it for me-- might be learning a skill I didn't really want to learn...but will pay off in dividends in an interview somewhere down the road.

So, what's in it for you to shell out $65.00 (maybe of your own money) and certainly precious time -- to attend the OTAC-IAAP November 13 Fall Education Conference in Alexandria?

  1. Skills polishing: Two great sessions on software- Word2007 and Excel2007, presented by Marie Herman, CIWD, ATM-S.  Marie is well-known in IAAP for her mastery of all things Office.  You cannot obtain this kind of intense, advance training for under $100.00 anywhere. You can bring your crazy challenges to the session and we can all learn together.   
  2. Insider's knowledge!  Our afternoon session will provide you the opportunity to ask those questions you can't ask in an interview or review session with your supervisor.  We'll have two fantastic Executive Assistants - both support CEOs of major organizations, - an experienced and well-known representative of the human resources/recruiting firm industry and a guest executive to give you all three perspectives on what it takes to continue soaring in the administrative career field.
  3. Networking time-  always wanted to know other admins in the DCMetro area?. this may be one of the few times you are able to get to an IAAP related conference.  Meet your peers- Bring your business cards. 
  4. Unique vendors.  Take time to visit our vendor tables during the breaks. Vendor tables will range from local chapter fundraisers to jewelry vendors to catering etc.
  5. FOOD.  Okay.. We all have been to those meetings..where the food stinks..and we can't believe we shelled out that kind of money and THAT is the food they served?  NOT this time, my friends.  Tu Parsons and her team at Alexandria Pastry Shop will be providing lunch and afternoon break for us. Alexandria Pastry is fresh food- delicious food and superb sweets, cakes, cookies, pies .. yummy all around.  (Be sure to let us know if you have any special food requirements when you submit your registration form.)
So what's in it for you?  An amazing investment in yourself, your career and your tastebuds!   Look forward to seeing you November 13!

PS. The registration deadline for this event has been extended to November 8.

Kind regards,

Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP
Old Town Alexandria Chapter
International Association of Administrative Professionals

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Important Updates and Re-launch of Chapter Web Site

Good morning.
Our chapter website ( will be re-launched on September 20, 2010. This blogsite will become a link on the front page of the site.

Quick apology for the delay in getting materials out for the September president's letter and updates on our upcoming programs. I appreciate your patience.

Lastly, two important items to note on the event calendar!

1. VA- WV Division meeting is being held in Williamsburg, VA 10/8-9. If you have not received the info on the conference, please be sure to contact us or go to the Division website for additional info at :

2. October 27, 2010 - We'll be hosting a new member installation ceremony at 6pm. Location is being finalized. We're looking forward to welcoming our many new members- in this more formal but fun event. Desserts and Coffee will be provided. No charge for this event.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This Chapter is Rockin' and a Look Ahead to September 2010

Dear Chapter Members and Friends-
What a busy month our 'little chapter that could!' has had!  We kicked off on 8/18 at The Lorien Hotel and Spa with a standing room only crowd- great food, (kinda pricey) cash bar and wonderful participation.  We are happy to say that this event encouraged two new members to join our chapter and one attendee looks to join up with our sister chapters in the DE-MD-DC Division.  So, that's awesome.

Today, our superb membership chair, Jan Szych, CPS substituted in at the last minute for our under the weather- chapter treasurer, Evan Thorne for the brown bag program hosted at ASCO. And, in September, we have even more good stuff coming down the pike.

We'll be unveiling our revamped web site in early September and later in September- we'll have our great program on 9/23 on Ethics.

Old Town Alexandria Chapter – IAAP

Thursday, September 23, 2010
6:00pm - 8:30pm
“Employees and Ethics: When is doing the right thing…the right thing?”

Guest Speaker: Dr. William Carmichael
Interim Regional Dean-Region 1
Strayer University

McLaughlin Ryder Investment
1421 Prince Street, Suite 400
Alexandria VA 22314

For registration information and forms:

Cost :
$5.00 for IAAP members
$10.00 for non IAAP members

*Please note that this event is intended for members of IAAP and other administrative professionals.  IAAP members will receive priority for registration for this event. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Upcoming Chapter Events for OTAC

Please note.  The chapter leaders will be reviewing the process for announcing upcoming chapter events and how we process registrations for Non-IAAP members.  Any updates will be posted here and included with future invitations.  Further information will be provided to chapter members as it is available.
Brown Bag Lunch presentation on August 25, 2010- A Guided Tour of the IAAP Web Community presented by chapter treasurer, Evan Thorne.  If you want to know how to access the many resources and benefits that the IAAP Web Community has to offer- Bring your lunch and join in on this quick and very useful tutorial on getting the most out of the IAAP web community.
For more information visit the invite at :

More details on the program year calendar will be provided in the President's report coming out in August.  But mark these dates just to be sure you don't miss an event:
September 23, 2010 evening program
October 14, 2010  Brown Bag lunch program
November 13, 2010 Fall Education program ** 
Saturday program featuring Microsoft Office Specialist and IAAP member Marie Herman.  
Marie is a dynamic presenter of advanced tricks and tips in Microsoft Office.  
A real guru of time-saving tips!
More details on the full program coming soon!
December 9, 2010  - holiday community service event

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Fun and Looking Ahead to Fall.

Dear Chapter mates and friends- 
Look what happened on the way to the EFAM!  Just kidding.  Unfortunately, I fell ill at EFAM and did not blog about all the cool and interesting stuff that happens at the IAAP annual meeting. But I do have some info to share-- so here we go.

I can tell you that the keynote from Vernice Armour was inspiring and one of the most genuine (as in keeping it real) presentations I've seen in many years of going to conventions/meeting.  I suggest checking her website out for more information:  

There are changes coming to the CPS/CAP certification program.  We will have copies of the handout provided by IAAP at our upcoming events.  Or simply log in to the website and you can access the link to the pdf with the details.

Quick notes on upcoming chapter events!

Next Event: 
August 18, 2010
IAAP -Old Town Alexandria Chapter Networking Event
Lorien Hotel and Day Spa
1600 King Street
Yummy appetizers provided
Cash bar
if you didn't receive the invite link:

We also have a Brown Bag Lunch presentation on August 25, 2010- A Guided Tour of the IAAP Web Community presented by chapter treasurer, Evan Thorne.  If you want to know how to access the many resources and benefits that the IAAP Web Community has to offer- Bring your lunch and join in on this quick and very useful tutorial on getting the most out of the IAAP web community.
For more information visit the invite at :

More details on the program year calendar will be provided in the President's report coming out in August.  But mark these dates just to be sure you don't miss an event:
September 23, 2010 evening program
October 14, 2010  Brown Bag lunch program
November 13, 2010 Fall Education program ** 
Saturday program featuring Microsoft Office Specialist and IAAP member Marie Herman.  
Marie is a dynamic presenter of advanced tricks and tips in Microsoft Office.  
A real guru of time-saving tips!
More details on the full program coming soon!
December 9, 2010  - holiday community service event

Have a great weekend everyone..  Stay tuned for updates.  

Kemetia MK Foley, CAP

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Certification changes and other news from EFAM

Dear chapter members and friends. 

Loads of stuff to report.  Here's the shorten version- hopefully will have time to write more tomorrow.

  • Certification program- Yes. This does have changes coming effective 11/11. I have a detailed handout and I'll try to get the PDF out to membership with the August newsletter.
  • Recertification requirements-  will change from a 90 point requirement to 60
  • There was an additional candidate for International Secretary- Teresa Bennett, CPS. She was nominated from the floor today.
  • Total registered attendance as of 8am today-  1,221.
  • President Shamali reviewed the financial challenges that IAAP has faced with the decline in attendance for the past two PEC programs and EFAM last year. Lots of detail forthcoming on this.
I visited as many of the candidates for International office as possible this afternoon.  But, I missed out on the  VA-WV Division photo--- becauseI was trouble shooting this issue: my family is traveling here from Virginia..and the car died about three hours out from Boston. Judy C- Thanks for representing the chapter on our behalf.

And some last thoughts before I head off to the evening event.  My observation of the International candidates for office today-- that had to give speeches- struggled between being professional and sharing their personalities.  And, I thought that perhaps IAAP members could make a fine drinking game out of some of the key words  oft repeated today by many at the mic-  1) Passion 2) professional 3) integrity


Here were the voting delegate counts as of 9am this morning.

Int'l Officers - 12
Division Delegates - 34
Chapter Delegates - 274
Chapter Member at Large Delegates - 0
Member At Large Delegates -
Afilliate Member at Large  Delegates - 1

International Officer and Delegate total 322
Authorized Proxies - 107
Total of 429

Registered alternates 160.

Okay.. .that's it for tonite folks.. more tomorrow... I hope.

The first vote is at 8am.



Saturday, July 17, 2010

IAAP- EFAM - Arrival at Convention

Welcome to Boston!

Well, I can tell you a few things about arriving here for the IAAP meeting.  Logan was definitely ready for 1400 admins.. Sheraton.. not so much.  Registration lines out the door.  Made me very grateful I flew in early this morning.

But as always --the best part about attending EFAM is the networking- I met two folks from the Buffalo, NY chapter on the shuttle to the hotel, and as a bonus I also got to run into a bunch of my pals from the DE-MD-DC Division that I don't see very often.  I also met up with Bianca Constance, former NY Division President-  a fascinating lady that was invited (through her IAAP membership) to present to admins in South Africa this past Spring.  Just goes to show, you never know where your IAAP membership will take you.

Got registered for the Convention and obtained my delegate documents.  Tomorrow is an early morning.. 8am for delegates briefing.  You better believe I'll be at Dunkin' Donuts by 7:30 because the lines will be long.

Tomorrow is the true "Opening Day" of EFAM in terms of the business session.  It is a fascinating adventure!...   but one more event before turning in this evening.  The informal meeting of the social media/blogger/discussion board -types like yours truly.  I promised myself I'll be back to the hotel by 10 and asleep.. at least that's my goal!

More tomorrow...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hooray! Old Town Alexandria Reaches 31

Dear Chapter Members and Friends..

We just received our final 2009-2010 roster from IAAP headquarters ,which  for IAAP, the year is July - June.

Our chapter grew almost 60% this year! We just had our 31st member join...Hooray!
Can't wait to provide more information on our upcoming program year.   Stay tuned.. it's gonna be great!  

Don't forget to register for our Networking Social on August 18 at the fabulous Lorien Hotel and Day Spa. Space is limited!

Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend.-  Regards- Kemetia

Thursday, June 10, 2010

News about Potential New Chapters in Virginia

As I've mentioned many times.. there could be ten IAAP chapters in the northern section of Virginia.. and they would all still draw interest because members would be interested in attending chapter meetings that did not require an hour of commute time.

That being said.. I happened to have dinner tonight with VA-WV Division President-elect, MJ Surina and two other members of IAAP that are trying to start a chapter in Manassas.  Interesting is that they cannot publicize on the IAAP Web community until they charter.. and they can't get enough members to charter with out publicing.  So I promised Barbara Norkus, the IAAP member spearheading this effort.. that OTAC would help get the word out.  Again.. it's not about which chapter is bigger or's about how can we BEST serve our members and make it convenient for them to attend educational programs in the Northern VA region.

Here is Barbara's email contact.  If you are interested in learning more about forming a chapter in the Manassas region, please contact her directly. IAAP Prospective Historic Battlefield Chapter.

NOW.. Also MARK  your calendars for the  August 18, 2010 OTAC social event.  Starts at 5:30pm and will end at 7:30pm.  I can't quite announce the location yet because it is SUPER cool... and we have a few things to finalize with our host.  Stay tuned though and hold the date.

I'm off to Oklahoma ---  More when I return next week.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Never Let Them See You Sweat.. and other thoughts..

Before we head off into the holiday weekend, I wanted to pass along some very encouraging news about our chapter.

This past week, we held two meetings related to leadership and the strategic planning of the future of our chapter.  As a result of these two meetings, we have a full executive committee on our board, as well as many of the committee positions filled.  But-- the best part?  Many of these chapter members have stepped up to take on the challenge without ever previously holding a leadership position within IAAP.  KUDOS to them. They are taking on new opportunities and gaining new experience. I cannot thank them enough.  Soon- I'll send the President's report with all the nitty gritty details and I will name names!

The second exciting piece of info to share is that we have a really great program year scheduled for 2010-11, including two unique events that I hope will encourage additional members to join AND entice our current members to more fully participate in all that IAAP has to offer.

It's a lot.  Many volunteers and many possibilities that things may not go exactly as planned, right?  Well- we do what superb admins do-- We do NOT sweat.  Actually, we sweat-- but we never let them see us sweat, right?  And we still get the job done!

So stay tuned for some really good stuff coming your way.  Take on those challenges (IAAP or otherwise).  You know you can do it! 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zippin' Along... New members, news and networking

Good morning, chapter members and friends.
Just wanted to share the quick news that Old Town Alexandria chapter is on the verge of having our 30th member join.   Very exciting news and a good sign, don't you think?

Alexandria Pastry Shop and Cafe, located at the Bradley Shopping Center in Alexandria, VA has graciously offered to cater our Monday night Open Board meeting.  Even if you are not attending the board meeting, please do stop by and check out this great place for yummy food.

Members of the chapter will also be representing the chapter at the Northern VA Schmoozerama with over 200 local executives and company representatives.  What a superb networking opportunity.

I will have an update for the chapter on the outcome of our meetings this week which I hope to have to you by the 28th of the month.    I'm thinking we just may need to have a little Summer social event to close out the program year in June.  Stay tuned for more info on that thought.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend.  And remember- updates to events or breaking news will be posted on Twitter- @OTACPresident.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Exciting Membership News!

Great news to share with you ... as our chapter continues to move forward and grow.

Please welcome the following (11!) new members to Old Town Alexandria (OTAC)- IAAP.

Cindy Salusky
Kathy Heyman
Dawn Robinson
Linda Hurd
Linda Woodland
Vicki Kilpatrick
Kathleen Erslev
Judy Carmichael, CPS/CAP
Kanya Praetorius
Adell Cokley
Kim Youtzy

Look forward to seeing everyone on May 17, 2010 at 6pm at our next meeting!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Your Participation is Requested...Your Input Needed

Good evening, chapter members and friends!

Just a quick reminder for the Open Board Meeting on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 6pm to be held at the American Physical Therapy Association offices - 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, Virginia.

We need to begin to lay the ground work for continuing the great strides the chapter has made since December 2009.  We will discuss leadership roles, the candidates for International Office for IAAP, and get a sense of what our chapter priorities will be for the summer and into the Fall of 2010.

The key here is YOU.  Members of OTAC.  Even if you cannot attend, please be sure to email your thoughts/ideas/concerns regarding programming, leadership, IAAP.. or all of the above.  This is your IAAP chapter.  Also- save this next date: Saturday- 5/22 (morning) for a programming calendar brainstorming session.  In other words, planning/discussing what events and educational sessions the chapter will hold from August 2010- June 2011.  

By the way.. a bonus of being in on these types of planning sessions?  Adding it into your professional development/annual review notes.

Please provide your input at either of the next two sessions (May 17 or May 22) or by email to

Thanks!  Look forward to seeing you in May. 

Regards- Kemetia

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

May 17, 2010- Important Meeting for Old Town Alexandria Chapter!

Good evening, chapter members and friends.

Please mark this date on  your calendar- Monday,  May 17, 2010 for our open board /planning meeting.  The formal notice from Eventbrite will be out in a day or so.  This is open to all . Not just chapter members- but it really should be a majority of chapter members in attendance.  It's all about You.

This is a very important meeting to discuss how we want to move our chapter forward in terms of leaders' roles and chapter procedures.  Doesn't really sound as exciting as a day off with pay, but at least dinner will be free! lol.

Okay.. more soon from me.  I owe you a Chapter President's report and a more detailed update.  Maybe I'll combine the two.--  No writing tomorrow.  I must survive Game 7 Caps vs. Montreal in the NHL playoffs tomorrow night.   Fingers crossed and Rockin' the Red.  (if you aren't a hockey sincerest apologies.. If you root for another team.. it's okay.  I love all hockey..  and.. just wait until football season!)
-Regards- Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP
President, OTAC

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Administrative Professionals Day- Kudos to Old Town Alexandria

Happy Administrative Professionals Day to all administrative professionals.

Just a quick note to remind you that our next chapter meeting will be Monday- May 17, 2010 at 6pm to be held at the American Physical Therapy Association.  APTA is located at 1111 North Fairfax St., Alexandria, VA.

We will begin the strategic planning process for our chapter for 2010-2011 program year.  
Would you guys be interested in a Happy Hour social for June?  Let us know.

Hope each and every one of you are receiving the kudos and recognition for Administrative Professionals Week!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How about a free coffee to start Administrative Professionals Week?

Check this out!
I'd like to share with you a fantastic! coupon- Super recognition for IAAP and Administrative Professionals throughout our region for Administrative Professionals Week by our regional DC Metro Dunkin' Donuts franchises.  Just print the coupon and take it in to your local DD on Monday, April 19.

This is only good in our region!  There is a URL on the coupon so you can double check participating locations/counties.

Please share it with your admin peers at your work.   It is not just for IAAP members.. it's for all admin professionals in DC Metro region.  Isn't that fantastic?

Also- be sure to go to DCDunkin' and follow them on Twitter-  They just may have additional giveaways to celebrate Administrative Professionals Week.

Happy APW!

Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP
Old Town Alexandria Chapter
PO Box 320174
Alexandria, VA 22320

Monday, April 12, 2010

Administrative Professionals Week- We are celebrating early!

Good morning, chapter members and friends.

It's early Monday morning and I am really thrilled about this week.  For, Tuesday, April 13, 2010 twenty-two members and friends of IAAP have registered for our event. Really!  

We have a wonderful program planned and of course, a great keynote speaker, Doris England, CPS/CAP- our Virginia-West Virginia division president.   Matt Whitaker and his staff at Intelligent Office in Alexandria are hosting our APW event at their superb office space -just off Eisenhower Avenue and Mill Road.  There is plenty of parking and if you are taking Metro- the location is about a 3 block walk from Eisenhower Avenue Station on the Yellow Line.

We can still fit a few more folks- so please register if you are planning on attending-  You can go to this site.  This site also has the map and phone for our meeting location. 

Have a great Monday and look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I say.. Let's have some fun!- Administrative Professionals Week Celebration

Hope everyone is enjoying some of the Spring weather here in the DC Metro area.  Myself?  Well, I'm a Northern girl and love the cold and snow. However, I do love seeing all the flowers and trees blooming.

One week from tonight we'll be celebrating Administrative Professionals Week with good friends and good food.  We have over fifteen attendees registered already. I'm really looking forward to this event.

Doris England, CPS/CAP is traveling up from Roanoke, Virginia (a little over four hours) to come share her thoughts on the opportunities for leadership in the administrative field.  Matt Whitaker, our host from Intelligent Office will give us an update on his facility and his company's mission in the modern workplace.

If you haven't had a chance to check out a chapter event yet-- this is a great one to check out.  We'll also have our new chapter badges ready for you to pick up.  Yep!.. We'll take pictures for the blog as well. 

I wish all of you a wonderful April and of course, Administrative Professionals Week.



Monday, March 29, 2010

Howling at the Full Moon? Or is it just a busy time of year?

Hello! chapter members and friends-

Although it may not be obvious to you, a core group of leaders in the chapter have been working hard behind the scenes to get many tasks accomplished and move the chapter into a better position as we move into Spring and Summer.
Here are a few things you should know.
  • Quick note to let you know that the chapter event registration format is through EventBrite.  Invitations to chapter events are sent out through EventBrite.  A link for each event is included with the invitations so you can forward them along to friends and/or co-workers you would like to invite. Invitation to the APW Celebration event on April 13 will be sent out tomorrow morning, 3/30.  Be on the lookout.
  • Name badges!  Our name badges are in and will be distributed at our 4/13 meeting
  • Chapter bylaws-  Chapter bylaws have are on the second draft and will be sent out to the chapter membership for commentary and review (and hopefully a vote) by the May 17 meeting.
  • May 17 meeting????  Yes.  The next chapter meeting will actually be a BUSINESS meeting-  An Open Board meeting on 5/17/10. It is open to all members.  6pm and at APTA.  More details coming soon.
Many of you are busy with obligations this week, but I will still be sending a President's report before this Thursday.  If you can't take time to read it-- Please flag to read it before our 4/13 meeting.  Lots of important information that reflect what work is being done with YOUR investment dollars into IAAP and the chapter. 
More updates will be posted on our blog AND @OTACPresident on Twitter.  

For those members observing the religious holidays of Passover and - the upcoming Easter holiday- may you be able to spend time with friends and family during your observance.   



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Headed to the gate and before you know it.- Down the runway and gaining altitude...

Good morning.

We had a great turnout last night ..and by great, I mean good number of attendees, an educational program that was meaningful and provided great Q&A - great that we had some gift card giveaways courtesy of regional DC VA MD - Dunkin' Donuts, great that we had visitors from other local chapters, and great in that I felt really proud of the direction the chapter is taking.

The foundation is in place, we've got the air crew, the galley has food and our 'flights' gain more passengers each round trip. Where will we go to next?

We are headed down the runway..
gaining speed.
 On April 13, 2010 - we'll host the Virginia/West Virginia Division President of IAAP, Doris England, CPS/CAP for an early kickoff to Administrative Professionals Week. Chapter member Carla Thorpe will be sending out our invitations via EventBrite. Be sure to invite your coworkers and bring supervisors if you feel like it. This is our celebration of our career path, how much we've learned, survived and thrived through the last year. If you've never attended an APW event-- don't miss out. It is energizing. (and not just from the sugar!)

So.. pack your bags- and come down to the gate.. We look forward to taking the next trip with you.

Have a great rest of the week...


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Making Chili. Ingredients and Time. What does this have to do with IAAP?

Dear chapter mates and friends of IAAP-
A really good friend of mine used to talk about making chili and was definitely one of the type of chili makers that put about twenty ingredients in the chili AND let it simmer for a good long while.   He used to say.. either you are in the chili or you are out of the chili.  A similar phrase in poker might be-- "Are you all in?" meaning are you willing to put in your entire stash of chips?

His thinking was the more ingredients and the more time he took with the chili-  the better it tasted and it was worth the wait to eat.  I thought of this as we are rebuilding our chapter.  It is going to take many ingredients and a good chunk of time to get the chapter 'simmering' and cooking- just right. Ingredients include - participants, leaders, program offerings, a sound and stable infrastructure, speakers etc

Time is the main key.  How much time can members invest?  How much time could it take to make this an exciting and vibrant chapter again?   The executive committee is coming up with a more detailed plan-  and three chapter members have already volunteered some additional time and talents to help in our 'kitchen'.
More details will be coming forward in the letter I'm prepping for the entire chapter membership.

For now, a quick reminder about upcoming events-  Please be sure to RSVP- we want to make sure we have enough food and beverage for attendees.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Event: Educational

Key Issues to Know When Negotiating with Caterers and Hotels
Presented by Erika Davis, CMP
Erika Davis Events
Location: American Staffing Association
277 South Washington Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Time: 6:00pm ~8:00pm ***Please note change in starting time

Cost: Free
Pizza and drinks will be provided.

RSVP requested by: Friday, March 19, 2010 to
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Event: Educational/Social

The Potential for Success - Administrative Professionals in Virginia
  Administrative Professionals and Leadership in Virginia
Guest Speaker:
Doris England, CPS/CAP
President, Virginia-West Virginia Division

Graciously being hosted by: Intelligent Office
2331 Mill Road [ Just off the Eisenhower Metro Stop- Yellow Line at Eisenhower and Mill Road]
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Time: 6:00pm ~8:30pm ***Please note change in starting time

Cost: Free
Light snacks, beverages and a dessert celebration cake will be provided

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's all about learning! Building on a great start.

Good evening, chapter members and friends.

One of the most important reasons for joining IAAP is that it provides an environment that is all about learning and learning along with our peers.

Old Town Alexandria Chapter has held two events and our next one is coming up.  So, what did I learn at our event last evening?  Well, one important thing that became obvious is that the chapter is going to need to set up some options for lunch time meetings.  How this is going to be implemented, I'm not sure yet.  But, I hear what some members have said and I can relate to the many obligations we all face when we walk out of our offices at the end of the day.   That being said, ideally we hope to evolve to being able to host day and evening programs for our membership as well as rotating the day of the week they are offered to offer the maximum options for participation for all our members.

I have a lot more to say (there's a big surprise!) but I promised my daughter time on our computer to get her homework done.   So, until Saturday.. this will have to hold!  

Special thanks again to Bittersweet Catering for the delicious food from last evening.  I had a leftover piece of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for breakfast this morning. :0

- Respectfully,

Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Upcoming Meeting Reminder- February 23, 2010

Quick reminder that our meeting is one week away! Please RSVP by February 19, 2010.

Join up with your chapter mates.. bring some pals and enjoy the fantastic catering from Bittersweet Catering at our February 23, 2010 event: 
Making Your Case: How Your IAAP Membership Benefits 
You and Your Employer. 
 Location: International And American Associations for Dental Research
1619 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA
Social 5:30pm-6:00pm
6:00pm - 7:30pm Program Presentation

As I mentioned in a previous post-

One of the challenges to living and working in the DC Metro/Northern VA area is the number of people/organizations etc.. competing for our time.  We even get it at work, right?  So I like to think of IAAP as time for me.. for myself and my professional development.  It's an investment in me.  Sure, it's not an hour to myself in a bookstore or napping, but it is important for me, for my career and long-term..for my checkbook!

So I hope we have an overflow SRO (Standing Room Only) event on the 23rd. And.. if you join our chapter prior to February 15 February 23, 2010- we will waive the chapter dues.  Get someone else to join and you are entered for our prize drawing.

 *Notices regarding cancellation of this event due to inclement weather will be posted by 4:00pm on the day of the event on THIS site.  Be sure to list a number we can reach you at between 4pm and 6pm on your RSVP please.


Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP
President - OTAC

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Next Event- February 23, 2010-- Great Program, Great Catering!

Dear Colleagues-

We had a nice turnout tonight at Union Street Public House and two door prizes to be won.  $10.00 Barnes & Noble Card and a small book of etiquette.  Thanks to the folks that came out and braved the cold.  We also had two new members transfer in  Yippppeee.. (but more about that later.)

Our next event is scheduled for February 23 AND Bittersweet Catering has graciously offered to provide our appetizers and desserts for the event - with no charge to the chapter!  I love great food, especially when it is provided as a promotion and free!

I'll be sending a fairly lengthy email over the weekend with all the latest updates.  Stay tuned!  We are going to have a fantastic program year!  Please keep the emails coming because I do appreciate your input. 

Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Updates from Old Town Alexandria Chapter

Good evening, all. 
I'm dropping a quick note during half-time of the Saints vs. Vikings game.  Love football almost as much as I love hockey.

Reminder to join us this Thursday, January 28 at 5:30pm at the Union Street Public House for our first social of the year.  Please let m know if you are planning on attending so we can give the pub a little advance notice. Email me at    Remember-  there is a drawing for a prize at the event.

More information will be sent to member email accounts regarding upcoming events, news from our Division President, Doris England regarding Professional Member of the Year awards,  Avery Dennison award and other news. 

Have a great week and hope to see you on Thursday!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Old Town Alexandria Chapter (OTAC) - Kicks Off 2010

Dear Colleagues:
Welcome to 2010 and a new year for the Old Town Alexandria Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals.

I have been a member of IAAP since 2001.  I have no doubt that my investment of time and involvement in IAAP has provided great professional growth and wonderful friendships with peers that are working in all kinds of companies and industries- Major League Baseball, Starbucks, American Institute of Architects, American Library Association, ASAE and The Center, and Carilion Health System etc.
Please take a moment to review the program schedule listed below. Are the start times too early? What works best for you?  I will also mail out a copy to member by email in the next day or so.  Please encourage your friends to come and check it out.  I personally feel it is a vital time to invest in our own careers and to remain competitive.  Indeed, we must network, learn new skills and expand our horizons (and maybe as a result- expand our pay?).
I apologize in advance for not getting more input on the programs listed..but that doesn't mean we can't add more.  Several organizations have offered their facilities for meetings.  Who knows..with enough support, we may be able to institute a brown bag/lunch and learn type schedule some time down the road.

Contact me or any of the OTAC officers via gmail at  I look forward to meeting new chapter peers at our first social event on January 28, 2010.

Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP
Debbie Abdul-Rahim
Evan Adams-Thorne

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Event: Social
Location: Union Street Public House, Alexandria, Virginia
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm; Bar entrance
We'll notify the hostess so you'll be able to locate us!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Event:  Educational
    Making Your Case :How your membership in IAAP benefits you and your employer
Location: International and American Associations for Dental Research
1619 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Sodas, Coffee and light appetizers will be served
Cost:  Free for IAAP members; $5.00 for guests

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Event: Educational
   Keys to Success: Key Issues to Know When Negotiating with Caterers and Hotels
   Presented by Erika Davis, Certified Meeting Professional and Owner, Erika Davis Events
Location:  American Staffing Association
277 S. Washington Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA
Time: * NOTE time change.  6:00pm - 8:00pm
Cost:  Free to IAAP members; $5.00 for guests