Monday, February 28, 2011

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb? Spring Update - OTAC 2011

Good evening, chapter members and friends.

Tomorrow is the first day of March.  Minds are already turning to Spring and of course, March Madness. [Shoutout to Mason Chapter- IAAP!]

For Old Town Alexandria Chapter, I'm pleased to report that we had 50 attendees on our teleconference on the 22nd of February with Julie Perrine, CPS/CAP.  It was a superb program focusing on professionalism.  If you are an OTAC member and registered for this event, you should have received an email today from Julie with a follow up document and info.  Let me know if you did not receive it.  This event was so successful that the chapter leadership hopes to offer more webinar/teleconference type programs for our uber-busy members and friends.

I'll be able to provide a financial breakdown on the teleconference later this week and will include it with the President's report and newsletter coming out around 3/8.

In other news.. our chapter is joining the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce.  This becomes official at the end of the week, so be on the lookout for the announcement.  After several lengthy board calls/discussions, we voted to spend the money as an investment to help get the word out to our area companies about the great programs and opportunities the chapter provides.  We'll definitely keep you posted on how this effort unfolds.

On March 16, HelmsBriscoe will be presenting an informative program on the benefits of utilizing third party companies to help locate hotel and meeting space, as well as answer questions during a Q&A session about contracts and clauses.  The Westin Alexandria is the location for this great event and the Westin will be providing dinner for pre-registered attendees.  We are charging a nominal fee at the door $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members.  Really?  Where can you go in our area for an educational program AND dinner for under $10?    Here's the registration link. [ PLEASE note that the Eventbrite lists the registration as free, but that is because we do not have a chapter PayPal account.]  Our hosts at the Westin can set up a tour of the property after the program if you are interested. 

On March 19, area IAAP chapter leaders and those folks that are interested in becoming more involved as leaders- will meet at the BoozAllenHamilton campus from 1-3pm in McLean to discuss membership, membership retention and all things about members! If you are interested in learning more about this meeting, contact me at

Now!  We must get ready for APW.  And, I'll provide you with a small teaser to tell you what's on the agenda for Administrative Professionals Week.  Your chapter leaders have great stuff planned to help you celebrate the entire week.  And one of the events involves CHOCOLATE!..  that's all I'll say for now.

So, YES!  The chapter will be roaring into March.  Look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event.

Kind regards,

Kemetia MK Foley, CPS/CAP

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